THEATRE NEWS: Passe Muraille embraces the future
21 APR/11
It's that time of year again and Theatre Passe Muraille is just the latest Toronto theatre company to ask us to embrace the future with its 2011-12 season. Artistic director Andy Kim announced an ambitious season for the company earlier this week.
It begins with an autumnal revisiting of Lisa Marie DiLiberto's site-specific THE TALE OF A TOWN — QUEEN WEST , under the direction of Varrick Grimes in a TPM/FIXT POINT co-production, then moves indoors with Erin Fleck's THOSE WHO CAN'T DO…. directed by Shari Hollett in a TPM production.
Next, TPM teams up with Acting Up Stage Company once again, hoping to follow up their hit presentation of Legoland, with RIDE THE CYCLONE, written by Brooke Maxwell and Jacob Richmond, who co-directs with Britt Small. It will be followed by yet another co-production, this time with Praxis Theatre, as director Michael Wheeler tackles Tara Beagan's JESUS CHRYSLER, with Margaret Evans essaying the role of Eugenia "Jim" Watts.
After TPM's annual development festival, Buzz, the iconic Mary Walsh brings her latest show, titled DANCING WITH RAGE, under the direction of Karen Carpenter, to the TPM stage to close the season.
For tickets and further information, call 416-504-7529 or visit www.passemuraille.on.ca.
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